Search results for '76087-9317' - Project Vote Smart
A great site to do your research for the 2012 candidates. Easy navigation just enter your 5 or 9 digit zip code and start studying from local candidates to the President.
My favorite scene of the Ranch.
Beautiful spot on the Ranch
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube#t=28#t=28
Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube#t=28#t=28 Out of the mouth of The President of the USA
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Farm Groups Focus on Estate Tax - Farm Futures
Farm Groups Focus on Estate Tax - Farm Futures
Important article for all readers to understand, if the old taxes come back including
these estate taxes, food will disappear from the shelves, and the cost of food left will
grow enormously within 2 years. This does not effect just Farmers and Ranchers this
effects everybody ... The Estate Tax needs to go away NOW!
Important article for all readers to understand, if the old taxes come back including
these estate taxes, food will disappear from the shelves, and the cost of food left will
grow enormously within 2 years. This does not effect just Farmers and Ranchers this
effects everybody ... The Estate Tax needs to go away NOW!
Thank You! | Texans for Rick Perry
Thank You! | Texans for Rick Perry
I hope he starts by cutting Texas Education Agency, strengthening the Voucher system and returning all Local education to the Local School Board and requires consoladation of all Local School Boards to a single County School Board!
I hope he starts by cutting Texas Education Agency, strengthening the Voucher system and returning all Local education to the Local School Board and requires consoladation of all Local School Boards to a single County School Board!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The Truth About The Health Care Bills By Retired Constitutional Attorney Michael Connelly | Patriot Army of America
The Truth About The Health Care Bills By Retired Constitutional Attorney Michael Connelly | Patriot Army of America
From one of the few people who had enough time to read the whole thing and just think how long that read took him!
From one of the few people who had enough time to read the whole thing and just think how long that read took him!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
BBC News - Mali Tuareg rebels 'control Timbuktu' as troops flee
BBC News - Mali Tuareg rebels 'control Timbuktu' as troops flee
Thinking of and Praying for Jeff, Heidi, the children(my cousins) and all the innocents In Mali.
Thinking of and Praying for Jeff, Heidi, the children(my cousins) and all the innocents In Mali.
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