My favorite scene of the Ranch.

My favorite scene of the Ranch.
Beautiful spot on the Ranch

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I am Frustrated with the Self-serving World View of the EU and the US FED

True Democracy and Freedom of the people trumps your unelected by the people bureaucracy Marty. People overthrow tyrants and have been doing so for Centuries. You can be happy it was done Democratically rather than a bloody overthrow. Stand by for more heavy rolls, I understand the Italians aren't to happy either. Each state remains as it should be autonomous when you Bureaucrats of the EU take actions that do not consider the National Rights of the people that belong to each country. There is nothing wrong with Countries Nationalist Rights to withdraw from World views that the State believes is not in its own people's best interest. We here in America have the same Democratic struggles going on between Fed, State and Local Governments. Our Fed is like the EU in that daily it continues to invade upon States and Local Governments turf against our own Constitutional mandates both at the FED and STATE Levels, therefore the success of the Republican Candidate Donald Trump. I believe that when the dust settles we too shall elect a representative that reflects the will of the people rather than the will of the unelected bureaucrats and the political hacks from both parties that have given away their constitutional duties and authorities. I hope awareness and study of the issues and decisions, on what is best for our nation, resumes and voters use unbiased discernment, instead of emotionalism, in making these decisions. The press is bought and sold, Internet sources are bought and sold, the political parties and candidates are bought and sold, the labor unions are bought and sold, the PACS are bought and sold, talk Radio and TV are bought and sold. Look at the issues that matter immediately: Employment, Illegal and legal Immigration, Taxes, Abortion, National Security including Military Readiness, Foreign Trade, Constitutional Issues including: Religion, guns, Supreme Court Justices, Executive Orders and Congressional/Senatorial laziness and inaction. This upcoming election is the most important this Country has ever faced. Find a way to legally register to vote, the future of our country absolutely depends on this election. We can no longer afford the gigantic ponzi scheme in effect and being played by our Federal Government with our money, our jobs, our time, our safety, our Constitutional Rights, our American Morality and our laws. Finally, Tell us your views, then vote!

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