My favorite scene of the Ranch.
Beautiful spot on the Ranch
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
My Friend and Dog “BUDDY”
My memories concerning Buddy all put a smile on my face. This dog showed up one day as a stray, at first I discouraged him from approaching the Ranch house. Rusty my wife convinced me that perhaps another dog would be a good idea (it didn’t take much convincing) .
The task turned out to be somewhat more difficult than anticipated, he stayed well out from arms reach when approached, we had put out water and food for him and it was a long slow process to win his trust, first to let us touch him and second to get him to enter our fenced in yard and finally with much friendly coaxing to get him to enter the house.
The problem with the house was significant as our new friend had a notable infirmity in his rear legs. Slick tile flooring intimidated him a great deal. According to our Vet, it appeared when he was young he must have been nearly starved to death and he was quite emaciated when he came to us. His hind legs always appeared to have a mind of their own, but Buddy figured it out and never seemed to let it slow him down.
So to make a long story short Buddy became use to us and his new surroundings and became a permanent fixture around the Ranch. If I had trained a dog I do not think I could have trained one anywhere near as good as Buddy. It seems like he had so many desired traits one would look for in what we called our Ranch Security Dog. He sounded off for visitors or unwanted varmints of other varieties of visitors. He came not only house broke, but yard broke, he would only do his business out in the pasture, nope I can take no credit for that, it was Buddy and Buddy alone that had this standard. When I would drive around on the Ranch he would not get in the truck, he would lead the truck always enough steps ahead to be able to move out of the way if I changed directions and then would take the lead. Only one time did he attempt to go through the fence to investigate something and I called him back and discouraged him, then praised him and he never attempted to go outside the fences again. What was so interesting about our Ranch trips though was his gait, his front legs would move normally, however his back legs crossed each other as he was running along, this gate was really strange and unusual and I didn’t fully understand why but knew it had to do with what the Vet had said about his time of starvation.
After several years it started to become quite obvious that Buddy was starting to have more and more problems getting around, he never complained or showed signs of pain, but he got around with a lot more difficulty. Finally, one of his rear legs seemed to just give out and we took him to the Vet., Our Vet Dene Herbel. Dr Herbel, Buddy, Rusty and I had a good relationship from the start so Dene was straightforward with the diagnosis, the X-rays indicated this dog could not walk and probably never would again, however Dr Herbel had seen and practiced a technique at Texas A&M that basically used a fishing line type substance that restructured his blown out knee so he could walk again. We felt like Buddy deserved this chance and told Dene to go for it, besides I didn’t even want to consider the alternative. The surgery was a success, after two weeks he was out roaming the ranch like nothing had ever happened. Dene you and your staff rock!
Buddy, was a very social dog on the ranch we had two other families within about 600 Yards, my mother-in-law and her husband and in the other house my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. He became a regular visitor at all times of the day and night at both houses. He would come up and bark at their homes until someone would let him in and he would visit with their dogs Mattie or Roadie and get snacks and water, then off he would go back home. I think he was a good visitor, he only seemed to bark if he heard people noises that indicated someone was up. He never bit anyone that I know of children or otherwise, he sounded off a couple of times when someone accidently stepped on him but otherwise he was just a happy dog.
God brought Buddy into our lives about 15 years ago and God decided it was time for him to come home to Doggie Heaven today. I will miss him more than I could ever say because I feel the pain of loss right now. I have been so fortunate in my life to have been allowed to be a caretaker for so many of Gods wondrous animals. I look forward, to the day that I will be able to join my family, friends and animal friends in Heaven if it is God’s will. I love family, friends and those that try my patience. I am fortunate to also have a special place in my heart for my friends in the animal world. Thanks Cathy Tyra Buddies close neighbor and friend for the reminder of John 16:22 where Jesus said: “Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.”
I appreciate everyone’s kind sentiments yesterday and without exception the phrase “He was a special dog” was uttered by all.
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